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Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Sarah Richard

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Devid Makra

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

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